I enjoyed the presentation on the 7.5 Habits of Lifelong Learners. I think the first habit, beginning with the end in mind, is an important one. Setting goals is crucial when facing a barrage of technologies for which you only have the vaguest idea how to use. That’s why I’m participating in the 23 Things, and so far I’ve found blogging to be really easy to do (bar the locking of my account, that is).
Beginning with the end in mind will most likely be the habit I spend the most time on, because starting with a good foundation will help develop the rest of the habits and keep me on track.
Hi Jennifer
You are so right. Technology is advancing at the speed of thought. Currently I try to be orderly and divide my schedule accordingly. Sometime I feel a bit overwhelmed since I have so many things to learn, from web design to video and audio compression.
My challenge right now is learn both Adobe Creative Suite as well as Microsoft Expression Studio. :-). Aurevoir.
Oh Lofty Supervisor, will you invite me to read your blog, please?
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