Monday, June 30, 2008

23 Thoughts on the 23 Things, part 4, The End.

16. I definitely need to learn how to make a YouTube video.
17. Podcasting: like wikis. So simple! Why aren’t more libraries using this tool?
18. Librarians of the future: will working at a reference desk become “old school”?
19. Will the strength of a librarian’s online presence become a major recruiting asset? In other words, a librarian of the future may have to develop an online personality in addition to having a thorough knowledge of traditional reference works in order to be marketable.
20. If more libraries and librarians participated in the 23 Things and put some of them to use, we’d do a lot to meet more patrons’ needs from their home computer, or wherever they happen to be.
21. Plus, we’d shed much of the old-fashioned, dusty, stereotype.
22. Improvement note: Give away more computers!
23. Overall, I give this experience an A.

23 Thoughts on the 23 Things, part 3

11. #10 sounds mildly disturbing. It doesn’t have to be; technology is not evil.
12. There will always be a digital divide of some sort. And as a result, I believe, always a need for libraries.
13. If I thought blogs were easy to learn how to use, wikis surprised me even more. So much potential in this tool! Why don’t more libraries use these?
14. Zohowriter is one example of a web-based tool modeled after licensed application software. Soon (the day may be here already) you won’t need Microsoft for your everyday computer tasks.
15. For all the negative things said about the internet, there are sites like and that make it all good.

23 Thoughts on the 23 Things, part 2

6. I want to explore more fully in both my professional and personal lives.
7. Technorati looks a little more useful than my original blog about it. Maybe I was too hasty.
8. With a number of these tools merging and working with other tools, it makes me think. Exactly how much information do I want “out there” about myself?
9. How much private information is truly private? How good are online privacy laws?
10. I imagine Web 3.0 and Library 3.0 will be even more intuitive and encompassing as the human-computer relationship grows closer together.

23 Thoughts on the 23 Things, part 1

1. Blogging is a lot easier and more fun than I had thought.
2. A lot of the technology that I learned about was easier to use than I thought. I wonder how many librarians have the same mental block that I did.
3. I used Flickr to determine what kind of digital camera to buy. Now I want to add more of my own pictures and tag them.
4. RSS feeds are great! How easy it is to keep track of things online all in one place, and keep it separate from my email correspondence.
5. I have professional guilt over having too much fun with mash-ups…


This was pretty cool. Exploring the Overdrive site was easy, although I noticed many of my favorite titles were not in the collection. Instead, I searched the most popular non-fiction titles and listened to an excerpt of The Sex Lives of Cannibals, which inadvertently proved that when you judge a book by its title, the results can be entertaining. But aside from that, the download of the excerpt was quicker than I expected, and the quality of the recording was good. I still can't play it on my Zune though. So. Overall, I give this service a B-.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Something new I found in podcasting... there's a lot of libraries doing podcasting for teens, and allowing teens to do their own podcasts for the library's website. A lot of libraries also have author talks and interviews, book reviews and recommendations, which I think are neat-o. Just thinking of all the possibilities that podcasts can add to a library, its services and its image....

Youtube and Libraries, in general

Youtube has great potential to be used in libraries or by libraries for instructional, promotional and entertainment purposes. Libraries could also do programs in which patrons put together their own Youtube videos and post them to the library's account. The library would be encouraging creativity and curiosity, as well as facility with technology, and I imagine the outcomes would be a lot of fun, especially with children or teens.

Searching Youtube was very easy. Some of the videos seemed to be better quality than others, and I wonder if that's because of the format they used to record it. Will have to actual post a video to Youtube and see what happens. I picked the Muppet clip simply because it was funny, and I used to love them when I was little. However, there are many, many, many great videos about librarians and libraries. We are a very creative profession!