Wednesday, June 25, 2008


My coworker just introduced me to a new website that’s really exciting. It’s called, and it’s actually place to shop for books through’s associates program. That is, you can buy books from Amazon through zoomii. What I really like is the interface. It looks just like bookshelves that you can browse through with your mouse.

Who says discovery is dead on the web?

There is also a single search box that handles titles, authors, and subject categories with ease. Each title comes with publication info, price, description, sales ranking, and a link to Amazon’s reviews. The categories link presents a floor-plan-like view of each subject and its relative location. Very easy visualization! The bottom of the website also includes links to a blog and discussion forum. Easy feedback, and the site’s author, Chris Thiessen, has even responded to a few suggested improvements.

I like this site!

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