Monday, June 9, 2008

Ok, I haven't gotten the email with the PBCLS account info in it, so I created my own account. Very easy to do; I also added the two icons to my firefox button bar. These two icons seem to do all the work - just one click and you've bookmarked a site. The box to describe the URL is a great way to remember exactly why you bookmarked the site in the first place. Am I the only one who is that forgetful?

I also liked the option to mark bookmarks private via the settings, and I noticed there's a way to add one's bookmarks to one's facebook page. Great interactive feature, but it makes it more clear to me that one has to be careful how much stuff you put out there about yourself. It seems necessary to have a "persona" or some kind of separation between what you want people to see online about you, and the real you. This may be obvious to some already.

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