Monday, June 30, 2008

23 Thoughts on the 23 Things, part 4, The End.

16. I definitely need to learn how to make a YouTube video.
17. Podcasting: like wikis. So simple! Why aren’t more libraries using this tool?
18. Librarians of the future: will working at a reference desk become “old school”?
19. Will the strength of a librarian’s online presence become a major recruiting asset? In other words, a librarian of the future may have to develop an online personality in addition to having a thorough knowledge of traditional reference works in order to be marketable.
20. If more libraries and librarians participated in the 23 Things and put some of them to use, we’d do a lot to meet more patrons’ needs from their home computer, or wherever they happen to be.
21. Plus, we’d shed much of the old-fashioned, dusty, stereotype.
22. Improvement note: Give away more computers!
23. Overall, I give this experience an A.

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